Camp Vail
Camp Vail is set away from the other camps, almost perfectly centered in the 160 acres of forest land that makes up Camp Stidwell. Scouts and wilderness education groups utilize Camp Vail for it’s remote setting and the opportunities it provides for teaching and training in outdoor survival skills.
Most larger groups are currently booking Camp Ouimet in conjunction with Camp Vail for the extra area it provides.
Camp Vail may be booked alone, and those bookings include access to the Shooting Star Day Camp and the McFadden Pier, which is located on the shore of Mirror Lake. Access between Camp Vail and the other camps is facilitated by The Golden Rule Trail, another Girl Scout achievement that has greatly enhanced the usability of the camps.
Amenities include:
A covered pavilion with a concrete floor, open on four sides and 4 picnic tables
A steel fire ring
An outhouse
A potable water faucet available
A fire safety station (shovels, rakes, hoses and information board)
A large parking area, well suited to groups with campers or trailers
Hiking galore
***Electricity is not available at Camp Vail or the Shooting Star Day Camp
** This is a new camp and various items are in the planning stages.

A lot of great area for hiking and exploring.